#40 – Sammy ShelorJanuary 30, 2020 Hosted by Keith Billik. This episode features one of the most influential banjo players of modern times, Sammy Shelor! Sammy is best known as the longtime 5-stringer for the Lonesome River Band.
#39 – Derek VadenJanuary 14, 2020 Host Keith Billik talks with bluegrass banjo superstar Derek Vaden of the Larry Stephenson band about his career, influences, history of learning the instrument, and advice for other players.
#38 – Chord Melody LessonDecember 29, 2019 Listen in as Keith takes a lesson with Davey Jones, the star of Episode #1 of the podcast! Davey teaches his approach to constructing chord melodies- a great way to explore arranging music, especially for solo banjo situations!
#37 – Matthew Davis, part 2December 2, 2019 Host Keith talks banjo with Matthew Davis, best known for his contributions to the bands Westbound Situation and Circus No. 9. Great advice on improvising and practice, practice routines, and Matthew’s insight into gear and setups.
Bonus – Eli Gilbert’s Patreon OfferNovember 16, 2019 In this bonus episode, professional banjoist Eli Gilbert (of Dale Ann Bradley’s band) describes a special offer for Patreon supporters of the podcast. I can’t wait to see what he comes up with!
#36 – Matthew Davis, part 1November 6, 2019 Hosted by Keith Billik – Part 1 of a conversation with the sensational young banjoist Matthew Davis. Matthew has won multiple banjo contests, performs regularly with modern bluegrass band Circus No. 9 and chambergrass group Westbound Situation, and is raising the bar for the next generation of banjo players.
#35 – BB BownessOctober 17, 2019 Keith Billik talks to Catherine “BB” Bowness about her early days learning banjo in New Zealand, musical influences, approaches to practicing and improvising, and more.
#33 – Mike SumnerSeptember 12, 2019 One of the most in-demand banjo sidemen and winner of multiple banjo championships.
#32 – Microphone Shootout!August 27, 2019 Hear samples and comparisons of 15 popular banjo microphones for live use.
#30 – Grace van’t HofJuly 23, 2019 Talkin’ banjo (and uke!) with the new banjo player from Chris Jones & the Night Drivers, and Sinner Friends!
#27 – Sam GuthridgeJuly 3, 2019 Guest host Aaron Jonah Lewis chats about banjos and music with the banjo player from The High and Wides!
#28 – Janet BeazleyJune 20, 2019 A conversation with the brilliant teacher and banjo player for Chris Stuart & Backcountry
#26 – Jens KrugerMay 14, 2019 A conversation with the renowned Swiss banjo player/composer and winner of the 2013 Steve Martin prize.
#23 – Billy Failing and Andy LytleMarch 17, 2019 2 for 1 episode! Interviews with both the banjo player and sound engineer for Billy Strings.
#22 – Aaron Jonah LewisFebruary 28, 2019 Aaron demonstrates his mastery of multiple eclectic banjo styles!
#21 – Chris PandolfiFebruary 9, 2019 The banjo player for the Infamous Stringdusters discusses his approach and playing tips!
#19 – Bill EvansJanuary 8, 2019 A conversation with the prolific banjo performer, teacher, and author.